A new year can feel like turning over a new page. Sometimes, we make resolutions, and decide what are goals are going to be, but it’s easy to put too much pressure on ourselves and set ourselves up to fail.
If your home isn’t the tranquil space you would like it to be, here are 5 tips to help you create a calmer home without the stress.
Look at WHY clutter piles accumulate
Clutter piles are usually piles of postponed decisions. Try to think about why these items are difficult to put away. Is it because they don’t have a place in your home? Are your energy levels low and you can’t face it? Did you buy something you didn’t need/that didn’t fit and now you need to send it back or resell it? Think about solving these questions and your future self will be less likely to create doom piles.
Look at how you use your storage
Are you using your storage in the best way possible? Keeping items in the room in which you use them will help you to tidy them away again. Keeping similar items together makes things easier to find (for example, keeping all your travel accessories in your suitcase).
One space at a time
When you are decluttering, concentrate on one small area at a time. Select the items that you regularly use or need then donate/discard the rest. Ask yourself ‘When did I last use it’? If the answer is never, donate or sell it. If it is once a year, keep it at the back of a cupboard or on a higher shelf.
Create a space for miscellaneous items
Create a miscellaneous drawer or drawers. Having a place for random items will stop them from piling up on worktops and surfaces. Keep these drawers organised by using drawer separators or containers to give each type of item its own space.
Put bins in your rooms
Do you have bins in your rooms other than the kitchen? If you often find rubbish in your clutter piles, is it because that room doesn’t have a bin? Put a bin in children’s rooms and make it one of their weekly chores to empty it - it will take another task off your list.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Either from other members of your household, friends or a professional. Having someone to help you with an overwhelming task can keep you on track and help you to complete it. Not everyone finds it easy and it is always ok to ask for help.